How do I read the energy usage on my Series 7000, 7100

The meter readings scale automatically on the LCD depending on what data is being reviewed and how much energy has already been counted. The scaling will adjust based on the following information:
Individual Channels
0-99.9Wh= 0.1WhThe LCD shows Wh readings with a decimal up to 99.9 Wh
100Wh-9999Wh=1WhThe LCD drops the decimal after 100 Wh
10kWh-99.9kWh=0.1kWhThe LCD doesn’t switch to kWh readings until the meter accumulates 10 kWh
100kWh-9999=1kWhThe LCD drops the decimal after 100 kWh
10.0MWh-99.9MWh = 0.1MWhAt 10 MW the LCD scale switches to MWh with a decimal point value
100MWh-9999MWh=1MWhAt 100 MW the LCD scale shows MWh with no decimal point value

System kWh resolution
1000kWh-9999.9kWh = 0.1kWh
10000kWh-999999kWh =1kWh

For the system resolution, the single element models ending in Leviton part number ___03, eg. 71D03, will display 4 digits of precision. All other models will display 6. All meters will have 2 digits when in the channel view.
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