Modbus Device Template Library

Device template mappings are provided as a courtesy as shared by our partner integrators. We rely on the feedback and new template files from our customers to share and contribute to this list. Device manufacturers may change their mappings without notice, so we highly recommend confirming the readings in the templates you employ match that of the readout from the product.

Leviton can assist with the supporting issues with the template editor in the Energy Monitoring Hub, but we are unable to assist with the mapping of a device.

Please email to contribute your version of a template or any feedback you may have on existing ones. Note that below is not an exhaustive list, so please contact us to check what we additionally may have on file.

Please unzip the archive prior to uploading the file into your Leviton EMH.

AccuenergyAcuDC 240Link
AccuenergyAcuRev 1310Link
AccuenergyAcuRev 1312Link
AccuenergyAcuRev 2000Link
AccuenergyAcuvim IILink
Schneider ElectricEM 3550Veris Industries E50 series compatible mapping
Schneider ElectricEM 3555Veris Industries E51 series compatible mapping
Schneider ElectricION 8600Link
Schneider ElectricPM 5330Link
Schneider ElectricPM 5500Link
Veris IndustriesE50C2, E50C2A, E50C3, E50C3ALink
Veris IndustriesE51C2, E51C2A, E51C3, E51C3ALink


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