Destiny 2 Grinders Left Fuming as Bungie Disables Private Crucible Rewards


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Destiny 2's Crucible, the player-versus-player (PvP) mode, is a popular battleground for Guardians seeking glory and loot. Bungie frequently injects fresh content into the Crucible, keeping the action exciting. Their latest update, version, introduced new maps for both public and private matches, alongside various gameplay tweaks.

However, with any online game, exploits can emerge. On June 23rd, Bungie announced the sudden suspension of rewards in private Crucible matches. While the developer remained tight-lipped about the reason, the community quickly pieced together the puzzle.

YouTuber Cheese Forever showcased a glitch allowing players to amass significant resources and consumables through private matches, even while AFK (away from keyboard). This exploit essentially involved setting up a solo private match with specific settings and repeating the process.

While the glitch solely affected resource gathering and had no impact on competitive Crucible or the in-game economy, some players expressed frustration with Bungie's decision. They argued it was a harmless way to extend playtimes, benefiting both players and Bungie through increased engagement.

This isn't the first time Bungie has had to address player-discovered bugs in the Crucible. In November 2023, the community rallied behind a hilarious "Sparrow Racing" glitch on the Multiplex map. Players unintentionally discovered they could ride their Sparrows (hoverbikes) in a multiplayer setting, leading to chaotic high-speed battles. The positive reception from fans resulted in Bungie officially implementing the "Sparrow Control" game mode.

However, in the case of the private match exploit, Bungie clearly saw it differently. As of now, there's no word on when rewards in private matches might return. Whether Bungie follows a similar path of embracing a glitch like Sparrow Racing, or remains firm on its stance, remains to be seen.