Installation of My Building at Customer's Site

This article covers the installation of the My Building software on a customer's computer, physical, or virtualized. The audience is the devops engineer that will be installing the software. You may find it helpful to review the following articles prior to beginning installation which should give you sufficient background to understand how the lighting control system interacts with the My Building software.
The instructions herein make a series of assumptions about your environment as noted in the listed below. There are other options available, ex distributed deployments, which are possible, however, those are outside the scope of this article. The following are our assumptions:
  • Single Host Install - full access to deployment directory and persistent file store
  • Windows Server >=2022, or, Linux OS
  • Kubernetes k3s management
  • Rancher Desktop (windows only)


Linux Computers​

The following must be installed and operational prior to the start of My Building software installation. Version numbers, when provided, are minimum version numbers:
  • Install K3S.
  • Install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release (Unix only)
  • install python3.12
  • Install python3.12-venv
  • install python3.10-distutils
  • Install unzip
  • Install mysql-client
  • Install openssl
  • Python3.pip

Windows Computers​

The following must be installed and operational prior to the start of My Building software installation. Version numbers, when provided, are minimum version numbers:


  1. Download the installation directory template provided by your Leviton Field Service rep
    1. Extract the directory template to your computer, recommend the root directory of your drive, ex: D:\MyBuilding\[zip file contents] on windows or /mybuilding on linux. In this case "D:\MyBuilding" is the base directory.
    2. Set and environment variable “GREENMAX_DEPLOY_HOME” which points to the base directory
  2. Make the decision if you will be installing images direct from the repository (recommended) or if you will be transferring them manually. If you will be transferring them manually,
    1. Download the images provided by your Leviton Field Service rep
    2. Save the images in the "./images" directory of the template
  3. Verify firewall configuration as per the previously referenced article

Load all containers/images​

Load all My Building Software Images
  1. If you are loading images from the public repository, execute the following
  2. If you are loading images from the images directory, for each file in the directory execute the following:
    1. Windows:nerdctl load --input <file path including file name> --namespace
    2. Unix: sudo k3s ctr images import <<file path including file name>
  3. Verify that all images have been loaded using the appropriate command
    1. Windows: nerdctl images
    2. Unit: sudo k3s crictl images

Create Configuration File​


  1. Access the web portal using the URL

  • Select the “Single Host Full Install Configuration” option
  • Complete all fields in section:
    • Common Configuration
      • GREENMAX_DEPLOY_HOME - this is the path relative to the container for the base directory.
        • On Windows, ordinary values are: /mnt/c/myBuilding or /mnt/d/myBuilding (relative to WSL)
        • On Linux, common values are /mybuilding
      • Platform_type - should always be CHS
      • Domain - this is the fully qualified domain name used to access the computer. On Leviton installs it's myBuilding.LevitonControls.lan - your URL may be different
      • Namespace - this is the namespace used to install the containers - default value is mybuilding
      • Scheme - whether http or https is used for the web interface. https is recommended. If https, it's recommended that you use Let's Encrypt to automatically generate and renew certificates however for this internet access is required.
      • LHS Domain - this should always be and the scheme should always be https
  • Click “GENERATE” once all sections are completed to Preview the details in YAML format.
  • Click “Save” in the “YAML File Preview” window and deployment.yaml file will download.
  • Copy the generated “deployment.yaml” file into the GREENMAX_DEPLOY_HOME folder.

Deploy My Building Software​

Everything done up to this point has been preparation to deploy My Building. Once deployment starts, your project will be moved from the Leviton server to your local server and all future work, using the app or otherwise, will need to point to your local sever. Note: Project can be moved from your local server back to Leviton's sever at any time.

  1. Retrieve project zip file from your Leviton Field Service rep and extract all files into the ./projectData directory
  2. ...
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