From my EMH, how do I check which V input is associated to a given element?

This article applies to Series 7000 and 7100 meters with 24 or 48 inputs. While the 7200 and 7300 meters have two sets of voltage inputs, only the left set, input 1, is valid for use.

Please do not proceed without first successfully reading the value, and confirming you are contacting the expected meter and element. Reading is often harmless, especially if the command is not written as expected. Do not attempt to write a configuration change without these checks.

A template can be created to read the current input configuration of an element. In our third generation EMHs it is possible to both read and reconfigure the setting using the custom processing tool. In our fourth generation EMH, it is possible to reconfigure the setting by creating a write function in the template editor.

The register in question is holding register 42218 (offset 2217) and it will present an unsigned 16 bit integer (UINT16) value of either 1 or 2.

Custom Processing
To read the current setting for the given meter element, use the following as an example and modify as required.
07 03 08 A9 00 01
07 is the Modbus ID# for the meter element in question - replace it with the correct Modbus ID# in hexadecimal. Eg., 01 = ID#1, 0A = ID#10, 1B = ID#27.
A successful response should be five bytes in length. The last byte will be indicating V input 1 or 2.

To change the setting with a Modbus write, use the following example, and modify as required.
07 06 08 A9 00 01
07 is the Modbus ID#, as with above replace it with the correct Modbus ID# in hexadecimal.
01 is the V input number you would like to change the element to reference. Valid options are 01 or 02.
A successful response should be six bytes in length. It will be a full read back of the command you sent out.

Three byte responses and/or the second byte having an 8 in the response indicates that your command was unsuccessful. Make sure you have the right Modbus ID#, and that there are no other devices on the same ID#. You may also want to confirm if a Modbus IP address is needed. For meters associated with the EMH over Modbus IP, elements A through their end letter will always be at Modbus ID# 1 through 8 or 16 regardless of the programmed Modbus ID# in the meter.
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