Recent content by Tdubbz45

  1. T

    Network requirements for GreenMAX

    I have found the problem. My JACE is using an incompatible version of unicode UTF-8, with the panel only capable of ANSI X3.4 I cannot fix it device side. Changing the JACE will not work as I cannot change the other controllers using UTF-8. At least I know how this works now!
  2. T

    Network requirements for GreenMAX

    I think something I did not try was set up the port instance the same as the object id I set in the greenmax. One thing I saw in YABE was that it pulled in as the LumaCAN instance instead of the ID set under the BACnet settings. Will update.
  3. T

    Network requirements for GreenMAX

    Did you ever get anything to work? I can see the device in YABE. Not in my BMS. Cannot get Leviton to pick up the phone. Sorry excuse for Tech Support, doubt they'd really help.